Thursday, May 3, 2012

Running naked

This weekend I'll be running in my 28th marathon, the New Jersey Marathon. However, unlike my previous 27 marys, I will be running this one naked. Alright, well that's not entirely true. To spare my fellow runners and any unsuspecting volunteers and spectators, I will be clothed. It is my wrist that will be naked. No Garmin barking at me this time.

Back in 2007, I bought my Garmin Forerunner to assist me with my training runs while preparing for my first marathon. Since then, I've been married to the damn thing. Don't get me wrong, I'd be lost without my Garmin. Yet, I sometimes find it rather pathetic how much I rely on it for pacing...instead of listening to what my body is telling me.

So, to spice up my marathon, I'm running this baby on pure feel!

Sorry Garmin, it's not's me.

Have you ever run a race "naked?" If so, I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I like to run races by feel. I enjoy the competition more than staring at the screen. And it never fails, I end up hitting some button on my garmin and lose info anyway. :) I also like to "trust in my training". Have a blast running "naked" -- it feels good!!

  2. I did a garmin-less half one time, although not by choice. Garmin battery didn't charge correctly and was dead race morning. The surprising part? I liked it and my time was about the same as always!

    1. Nice! Have you run other races since without your Garmin?

  3. GO REAL NAKED!!! Just kidding! I think I am going to put a piece of duct tape over my garmin so I can't look at it during the race. Usually I'm not bad at looking at it, except I feel I might be with my Sub-4 goal.


    1. Haha! Good luck getting your sub-4! This is the course to do it on.

  4. Dang it just once we want someone to say they are running their race naked and mean it! No clothes! =) Good luck this'll do great!
