Saturday, February 4, 2012

Twitter Road Race - Spring Edition

Thanks to everyone that participated in the inaugural Twitter Road Race! It was great to see runners from 14 countries come together and run in the TRR! After recieveing so many great comments about the first TRR, how could I not host another one?!?!

So, with the winter/inaugural TRR in the books, I'm happy to announce that the spring TRR is going to be held on Saturday, April 28th!  If you ran in the winter TRR, you know the drill. For those of you that are new to virtual racing, here's how it works:

On race day...
1) Head out your door.
2) Run a 5K.
3) Post your time on the finishers form that will be posted on my blog.
4) Tweet about your race experience using the hashtag #TwitterRoadRace.

To be counted as an official finisher, you MUST enter your time on the finishers form by 11:59PM Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST) on race day. No time. No result.

New for this race...
1) There will be a race t-shirt option! Stay tuned for ordering instructions!
2) I'm also considering a charity option for this race. More details to follow!

So, you want in? Click here to register! Be sure to spread the word about this race using the hashtag #TwitterRoadRace. There were 376 finishers in the first race. Let's top that for the spring TRR!
